Thursday, December 11, 2014

2.1_16 now available I have updated Hibernate 4.3.7, TWS API 9.71 and JFreecharts 1.0.19 to the latest versions, plus fixed a few bugs. See readme.txt for list of changes.


  1. Thanks Simon you are really doing good job. thanks once again

  2. Hi Simon. I gave TM a spin and it is really cool.
    Wondering if you have any plans of supporting stock options as well?
    Or is it already in place in current version of the tool? Thank You.

  3. Hi Simon,

    I have a question regarding using the tool. Am able to back test using this tool for 1 day time frame. However, am not able to use it with settings Chart Days = 1 year and Bar Size = 1 day. Data download goes through fine using Yahoo, but during back test, not much data is being fed to runStrategy method. And in the logs I see below message:

    "32098 [SwingWorker-pool-2-thread-4] WARN - No backTestBarSize = 1 data available for EPI and Tradingday: 2015-05-07 09:30:00.0 will use barSize = 23400 data if avaialble."

    Below are my properties in the config file. Is it alright?

    I really like the tool and would appreciate if you could provide some guidance when get a chance.

    Thank You.

