Friday, September 7, 2012

Trademanager 2.7_02 now available. Major re-factor of the persist Trade and TradeOrder process. Now CRUD actions on Trade/TradeOrder are all handled via the persistTradeOrder action, TradeOrderfill are handled by the persistTradeOrderfill (note this calls persistTradeOrder). Trade (a.k.a Position) is derived from the latest state of all the open/filled TradeOrders. Trade is now not needed by any of the createOrder actions in the strategies. This simplifies the writing of strategies and wraps Trade actions in one function.

I have added addition events to the BrokerChangeEvent i.e. tradeOrderFilled, positionclosed, tradeOrderCancelled.

TradeOrder Key is now a NOT NULL field in the DB.

Next 3 weeks I will be away so don't expect  any new builds!!